The Definitive Answer: Batman vs Boba Fett


Okay so for about a week now I’ve been having an argument with some friends at work about who would win in a fight between Batman and Boba Fett. To me, this is a completely ridiculous non-argument, because the answer is just so blindingly obvious… the only possible winner would be Batman! But, after a lot of (rather aggravating) argument, neither side can be swayed. So, seeing as I’m much more eloquent in my writing than I am when put on the spot, I decided I would try and settle this with objective, reasoned argument. So, I’ve done a bunch of research on each character so that I can formulate a conclusive list of their physical abilities; their equipment; their suits; and their past feats. I want to finish this argument once and for all!batman v Boba

There are slight problems in deciding what to accept as fact, seeing as there are many versions of both characters, so it is difficult to work out what is strictly canon. So, I am sticking to the accepted Batman canon from the DC Universe, and ignoring all of the Batmen from different universes (e.g. when he has Superman’s powers, and vampire Batman etc.) To make it a bit fairer for Fett, I have included what is widely accepted as truth by his fans, even though it is not strictly canon since Disney took over Star Wars.

To make this a more realistic and logical fight, I am putting the pair in the same universe, and giving the most logical explanation for why they would be fighting. I think this would be that there is a large dead or alive bounty on Batman’s head that Fett wants to collect; forcing the two together.

I have been as objective as possible, and omitted any personal opinions about both characters; I will present only the facts. So here goes!…

Brief Biographies:

this is my faceBoba Fett

Boba Fett is the unaltered clone of Jango Fett; a first class bounty hunter who raised Boba as his son. When Boba was around 10, Jango was beheaded, whilst Boba watched, by Jedi Master Mace Windu (damn you Sam L!). This resulted in Boba’s hatred of Jedi and he vowed to kill Mace Windu to avenge his father.

Although Boba didn’t have an official education, he has an extremely high intellect and visited the local library regularly.

Before his death, Jango trained and disciplined Boba in the way of the Mandalorian warrior. Boba went on to become a bounty hunter like his father, and is widely known as the greatest bounty hunter in the galaxy; a title originally belonging to his father. It is believed that, although Jango was highly adept at what he did, Boba surpasses even him.


I think the whole world knows Batman’s origin story by now, but I’ll give you a quick little recap anyway. Batman’s alter ego is Bruce Wayne, who is a seemingly carefree billionaire philanthropist. One night when Bruce was 8, his parents were killed on the streets of Gotham City, by a small-time criminal called Joe Chill. After witnessing his parents’ murder, Bruce swore to rid Gotham of all crime, no matter what it took.

Bruce is a legit genius. Before he was 25 years old he had at least 8 full degrees, not to mention the many other topics he studied. He is also widely accepted as the world’s greatest detective, able to work out a mystery with a minimum of clues.

Physically, Batman is at the peak of human perfection. He has a specialised diet and consumes no alcohol at all in order to keep his body performing at 100% at all times. He trains constantly. “His physical attributes exceed that of any Olympic level athlete that has ever competed.” He started his physical and mental training when he was 11 and then intense physical training and weight lifting at age 12. He trained in various martial arts for 10 years.

Batman is the ultimate OCD planner. He has contingency plans for everything. He has planned out how he would defeat every member of the Justice League, should the need ever arise.

Past Feats: (I have just chosen some of their more impressive achievements, otherwise we’d be here all day)

Boba Fettimages

– He’s fought Dath Vader a couple of times and didn’t win, but also didn’t die so that’s very impressive! He put up a good fight too apparently, it was close.

– He betrayed and killed High Priest Teroenza in Ylesian for a huge bounty, just as the priest prepared to kill Han Solo and Bria Tharen.

– He joined the Bounty Hunters’ Guild in order to destroy it from within, and succeeded.

– “Fett killed the notorious criminal Dr. Evazan, who was experimenting with the reanimation of dead bodies on the planet Necropolis.”

– He captured Han Solo and collected two bounties for him, one from Dath Vader and one from Jabba the Hut.

– In order to get a single bounty, he wiped out an entire Imperial garrison on Vryssa single handed. This is deemed the most impressive achievement of Fett’s career.

– He escaped the Sarlacc Pit… three times. Pretty impressive, that must have been painful. The Sarlacc essentially keeps you alive for 1000 years, veerry slowly digesting you over this time. He escaped (at least the first time) by basically just blowing himself up! (Let’s not mention the part that requires him to have fallen into the same huge, unmoving hole in the ground three times…)


238031– Designed and built a super-suit that he used to fight Superman (in the Dark Knight Returns comic), also has fought Supes a bunch of other times and managed to hold his own. I feel it should also be noted that whilst fighting Superman one time, Bats fought so hard he gave himself a heart attack

– He has fought Darkseid and won. Darkseid is an immortal God, whose strength bests Superman’s and who has laser-beam-shooting eyes that even the Flash struggles to outrun.

– He destroys a hyper-clan of White Martians, who managed to kill or incapacitate all of the Justice League members, even Superman.

– Deadshot is probably the character most similar to Boba Fett from the DC Universe. They are both excellent marksmen and bounty hunters. Deadshot is renowned for never missing his targets, and has in fact only ever missed once… when trying to shoot Batman.


Boba Fett

– 6ft tall, weighs 172lbs

– Boba was trained by his father in combat skills from a very young age

– He was able to handle a blaster also when he was very young

– Deadly in battle circumstances

– He is skilled at using the heavy weapons on Slave I (his spaceship)

– An excellent leader – he has formed his own team of bounty hunters

– He commands the loyalty of those close to him

– A highly skilled weapons master and marksman

– He has the skills and ability to kill powerful Force users

– Trained like a Mandalorian warrior

– Trained alongside many of the Advanced Recon Commandos (ARCs)

– A great survival instinct

– He is willing to go to extremes to achieve his goals


batman-124681– 6ft 3in tall, weighs 225lbs

– His strength, speed, stamina, agility, reflexes and coordination are at peak human perfection

– Batman has an extreme, almost superhuman “force of will”

– He instils fear in others; even the people that know him best are intimidated by him. Even people that aren’t scared of Superman fear Batman

– Batman regularly bench-presses at least 1000Ibs (453kg)

– He leg presses 2500lbs (1134kg)

– He can break steel chains and cuffs, support a ceiling weighing over 1000lbs, bend steel metal bars with his hands. He has even punched a SWAT officer through a brick wall

– He can run ridiculously fast for a human being

– “His agility is greater than that of a Chinese acrobat and an Olympic gold medallist gymnast”

– He has mastered 127 styles of deadly martial arts

– An expert with virtually all types of weaponry

– A master at stealth, capable of breaching high security facilities with ease and without being detected

– Almost never misses his targets

– Batman’s IQ is possibly well over 200; it is estimated to be 192

– He has an eidetic memory, which means he has total recall and can remember anything in great detail

– He is widely regarded as one of the keenest analytical minds on the planet

– Given his lack of superpowers, he often uses cunning and planning to outwit his foes, rather than simply “out-fighting” them

– He is an excellent leader and at times commands the Justice League and the Outsiders

– Expert escapologist

– Trained in hunting techniques by African Bushmen

– Proficient at combat driving

– Batman’s combat skill surpasses most metahumans and normal men

– He knows every pressure point and nerve strike in the human body, as well as Dim Mak (“death touch”) techniques. These can cause dangerous pain to his enemies which can lead to dizziness, numbness, unconsciousness, temporary paralysis, disorientation, and even death

– He once grabbed Green Arrow’s arrow in mid-air and has dodged point blank fire

– He can hold his breath for 3 minutes and 15 seconds. He once survived in an airless vacuum of space for 27 seconds


Boba Fett

– Mandalorian armor

– Can withstand a lightsaber

– Equipped with a jetpack

– Flamethrower in the gauntlets

– A whipcord launcher

– Rocket dart launchers inside the knee pads

– Retractable vibro-blades

– A Kelvarex Consolidated Arms MM9 mini-concussion rocket, Type-12A anti-personnel rockets, Type-12B stun rockets, and Merr Sonn 1126 rockets in the gauntlets

– It has a liner shirt composed of a micro energy field projector and two layers of ceramic plates which minimize impact and blaster hits

– Provides resistance to the elements.

– Helmet:

– Records video

– Provides water

– Amplifies sound

– Compensates for a variety of exterior light conditions

– Communicates with his ship’s computer

– Seal itself for changes in pressure.

boba_fett_by_ninjacompany-d4f5hve– Dart launcher

– EE-3 Carbine rifle

– Tenloss DXR-6 disruptor rifle

– Blaster pistol

– BlasTech Dur-24 wrist laser

– Lightsabers


– Batsuit:

– Made of Kevlar mixed with a small percentage of titanium

– Bulletproof

– Shock absorbent

– Acid resistant

– Resistant to most forms of attack (explosions, blunt trauma, falls, etc.)

– Flame-retardant and insulated

– The gloves and boots are reinforced so he’s not injured by the impact of his punches and kicks

– The gauntlets have retractable metallic blades on their sides, which can be fired at an opponent

– Gloves have high-velocity Batrope and a wrist laser

– Gloves can discharge a high voltage surge of electricity

– Gauntlets shoot spikes, smoke pellets and anaesthetic gas

– His cape is extremely light and can be used to glide long distances, and allows him to change direction during flight

– The heels of his boots have a sonic device which can summon a swarm of bats.

– The cowl (mask):batman-wallpaper-batman-wallpaper-42485

– Composed in small part by lead, which means he can’t be identified via x-rays

– It has an infrared and night visor and auditory sensors and sonar

– Visor can also magnify his vision and is a lie detector

– Cowl and utility belt are outfitted with security systems (aggravating gas, electric blasts, etc.) in case anyone tries to remove any part of the suit

– Cowl has a computer link directly to the Bat computer

– A transmitter-receiver

– Face recognition that can give information about the people around him

– Internal comm-link enables voice command over various equipment including grapple hooks, face recognition software and vehicles

– It can completely shut out sound, in case an opponent is using a sonic weapon

– Protects from throat trauma.

– Utility belt:

– Contains a fingerprint dusting kit for detective work, a line launcher, various types of anti-venom, and a re-breather

– It has a button to call the Batmobile.

– Batarangs (cryogenic, explosive, electric, boomerang etc.)

– Plastic explosives

– Nerve toxins

– Smoke and tear gas pellets

– A grappling hook gun

– A batclaw

– Batrope

– A cutting tool

– Disruptor for firearms, mines, and freeze technology

– Sonic grenades and gun

– Tranquilliser darts

– Incendiaries

– Miniature explosives

– Kryptonite ring

– A White Lantern Power Ring


Boba Fett

Slave I:

– Laser cannons

– Projectile launchers

– Seismic charges

– Silver speeder bike






The Verdict

So there we have it; all the facts you need to know about Boba Fett and Batman for a definitive answer! And that answer is, of course, Batman. I did so much research for this I thought I was back at uni, and a great deal of this was for Boba Fett, so don’t you dare tell me I’ve been biased!maxresdefault

Batman has just come out on top in each aspect I have outlined here. For the sake of argument, let’s agree that this list of Batman’s equipment is too extensive: he can’t possible carry all of that at once can he (he definitely could, but let’s say no for now). But even if you halved this list – hell, cut it down to a quarter – it would still be enough. Batman’s raw power is so great in body and in brain that in this case he barely needs all his gadgets anyway.

He regularly fights deadly villains, who are often insane, or have superhuman powers, or both. Boba also fights foes of this nature it’s true, but never has he fought anyone of, say, Superman’s calibre. Dath Vader is definitely up there, and this bodes very well for Boba, but even so Batman is much more consistent in his ability to fight and defeat extremely tough, super-powered enemies.

Batman’s pure physical abilities are ridiculous to say the least; he couldn’t possibly be in any better shape. He weighs roughly 50lbs more than Boba, and that is purely in muscle! He is just one giant heap of blindingly agile muscle. His intelligence also trumps Boba’s several times over.

They are on more equal footing when it comes to their suits and equipment. Although Batman does still take the biscuit, Boba has got some pretty cool stuff that would keep Batman on his toes for a bit. One thing I am absolutely sick to death of hearing about though is his bloody jetpack! Literally everyone I’ve had this argument with (minus my boyfriend who is apparently the only person I know with any sense) has said “yeah but Boba Fett can fly, he has a jetpack” as though this settles the matter. IT DOESN’T!! What will flying accomplish exactly? Do you think Batman has never fought someone that can fly before? Do you really think that could stop him? And in any case, Boba Fett can’t fly – his jetpack can only hold enough fuel for ONE MINUTES worth of flight. So all Bats has to do is throw some stuff at him, make Boba dodge it a few times and that’s it – no more flight! Not to mention the fact that both Boba AND Jango died because their jetpacks were broken (Boba’s by bloody accident!), which means that Batman could easily just break the jetpack and that’s that! Jeeze, come on people.

–and breathe–

Going into this, I was fully prepared for it to be a really close call. I thought I was going to have to really debate which side is superior, so I must say that I was more than a little disappointed with this easy of a win. I want to say that it would be a close fight, but after reading all this ridiculous stuff about Batman, I just don’t see how Boba would have any chance. The thing with Boba is that he is a lot more of an enigma than Batman. This means that it is a lot harder to find decent information about him, at least compared with Batman. He is popular because he has never been fully defined or explained, it has simply been accepted that he is the best bounty hunter in the galaxy. And for this reason; because of his being a mysterious legend; I can see that a fight between him and Bats would be a good one to watch, and yes it might even be a close call. However, there is just no way that he could beat Batman. He doesn’t offer anything new that Batman hasn’t beaten before. Batman is just too good. Too strong, too intelligent, too well equipped; too prepared; too everything. He would simply outmanoeuvre Boba at every turn.

Batman_The_Dark_Knight_Vol_2_11_TextlessOne of the only reasons I think this has even been a debate, is that nowadays when people think of Batman, a lot of them think of the Christopher Nolan/Christian Bale version of Batman. Not to say there is anything wrong with this version, but this is not who I mean now when I say Batman. This Batman has been grounded in reality, which means that he has lost a lot of things that make Batman so great in the comics. He doesn’t have the same genius intellect, he doesn’t design his own equipment, he is not prepared for every possible eventuality; he is a shadow of the real, comic Batman. I am really hoping that in Batman v Superman they will go back to the source and make Ben Affleck into the version of Batman I love. That Batman at least has a chance of beating Superman.

All of this isn’t really a slight on Boba though; this is the case for a great deal of people. Batman is just too good. He is so stupidly overpowered it’s ridiculous… and amazing. And it is all completely believable from him because he’s Batman. This is the thing. He is possibly the most overpowered character ever created in comic books. Anyone that knows anything about comic book Batman can never be surprised at anything ludicrously amazing he does because that’s just who he is, he is so good that anything can be accepted without question. Even Superman describes Batman as “the most dangerous man on Earth”.

Here are links to a lot of the websites I used for research (I almost Harvard referenced them from force of habit, but I resisted the urge).
 Boba Fett:

Christmas Geekery


Happy Christmas and New Year! I hope you’ve all had lovely holidays. Mine was, as per, filled with family, friends, food, booze, presents, fun and a touch of trouble.

After my little holiday break (I hope you didn’t miss me too much!) I thought I’d start back by sharing with you some of my Christmas presents. Clearly my obsessions are well known amongst my family and friends because everyone seems to have catered to them very thoroughly! Here is a picture of my geekiest presents…


I’m definitely sensing a Game of Thrones theme. Even the people that downright refuse to watch it (fools, I know) have finally given up and got me GoT related stuff haha.

Also, in case you were wondering – those four brightly coloured shapes dotted about are Star Wars cookie cutters! There’s Chewbacca, Yoda, Dath Vader and C3PO. You cut out the shape of their heads, but also you can press their faces into the dough so it really looks like them! So amazing.

I also got a whole bunch of comic books…


I know nothing about ‘Serenity’ (apart from that it’s related to the show Firefly, which I haven’t seen), ‘Hinterkind’ or ‘The Sandman’. Can anyone tell me anything about them?

I’ve read and enjoyed most of the others already. My favourite of these is probably ‘Batman: Death of the Family’, which is just so creepy and interesting.

So all in all I have plenty to read this year! I will truly be a Game of Thrones expert after reading all of these books! And if you’re lucky I might just review some of them and the comics for you. Can’t wait to get stuck in!